List Of Clubs

Subject clubs, Dance club, English club, Maths club, Science club, Social Science club, Hindi club, Sports club, Art & Craft club.

The integration of work and study is the key element in Space English Medium CBSE School, All the students are obliged to gain practical experience in the course of their academic education. The concept of Clubs is seen as an opportunity for adaptation to life in the group, forming good life long habits and cultivating spirit. Club activities supplement academics and give the students practical training which they require in day to day life. In the school various club activities are organized giving an opportunity to the students to display their talent.


The main aim is to sensitize students towards Eco– Awareness, maintenance of greenery around the school by various Plantation drive programmes, making best out of waste etc. Eco Club is actively involved in promoting environment related issues such as judicial use of paper and Planting trees.

International Awareness And Human Rights

Through this club, we are trying to generate awareness among the students regarding international issues – Political, Economic, Environmental etc. Also the club activities include sensitizing students regarding Human Rights issues. In today’s world, it is necessary for students to know what their rights & duties are and also the functions of the National Human Rights Commission. Sensitizing the students as regards human right violation has become imperative in the fast growing world. Through discussions and debates, the club members try to gain well. The activities of this club include reading short stories of different authors, discussions on plot and characterization and also encouraging them to write short stories, poems etc. This club also involves activities that inspire students to present their view points. Various activities like debates, group discussion are conducted throughout the year..

Road Safety Club

This club provides a platform to the students to discuss safety measures especially on roads. Activities like Poster making, Slogan writing, group discussion, skits and projects were conducted during the year. The students also spread awareness in and around the school by talking to people and children highlighting adoption of safety measures.

Wildlife Club

This club focuses activities for young people. Its goals are education, awareness and campaigning against possible extinction of some wild species. This is done with the help of Poster Making Competition, Skits, Quiz, Model Making, Extempore and Writing poems. This club is associated with IFAW – International Fund for Animal Welfare which gives certificates & awards to those who participate in competitions organized by them. Based on the programme kit sent by IFAW and Wildlife Trust of India various activities are carried out during the Animal Action Week.